Saturday 16 August 2014

Summer Hunting

Although hunting season doesn't start for another month and a half, it doesn't mean we haven't started hunting. By now Matt and I have had our trail cams up for a couple months. We have checked them 3 times and last night received some really nice pictures that has me slowly getting the itch for Bow Season.

We have quite a few smaller bucks at the area Matt wanted to scout. Multiple daylight photos of them and the bucks seem to be coming steady. 

I was pretty excited to see this photo of this larger buck that Matt and I believe to be the same buck we have photos of from the past two seasons. We are hoping to pattern where they are coming from and to capture more daylight photos. This way we can figure out if it is for sure the same buck. 

Nothing is cuter than a fawn with spots and her Mom. 

Trying to strategize for October this early can be difficult, but with this many photos of deer in velvet I am pretty sure that we're on the right track. My strategy for early Bow Season is to hunt near a water hole hoping bucks will be traveling in to drink. There are a lot of paths and tracks, but just having this early on is hard to tell if the bucks will still be there come October. I set out another trail camera so hopefully we will have some photos in another 3 weeks. September will be spent hanging my stand, which I would like to sit untouched for the month and hopefully we will have a good idea about deer patterns so Matt and I can finally fill a tag this year. 

Both Matt & I drew doe tags this year. He hunts up North at the Hunting Camp for two weeks of rifle, so for home he only has buck tag, but I drew a doe tag for our region and will consider shooting a doe at the end of season if no luck has come our way. 

Summer can be filled with a lot of hunting activities and most importantly getting our bows sited so that if we do get the opportunity to shoot a deer we will be ready. Matt and I need to go down to South Nation Archery soon and start shooting everyday. 

Hopefully everyone is enjoying this Summer and getting as excited for the next hunting season as we are.